Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the work of The Change Foundation important?

This work of TCF is important because underserved populations would benefit from obtaining essential items to reduce negative symptoms and increase personal confidence. This population is often forgotten or served as an afterthought. TCF strives to create equal opportunity for equal success.

What does The Change Foundation focus on?

We focus on equality in access to resources and reducing systematic barriers.

Why do we have to complete an income verification form?

We are held accountable for ensuring we are using funds appropriately. The verification process will ensure we are supporting the community properly.

Can we fundraise for you?

The community would be honored. Please click here and fill out our form. You may submit a flier (which must be approved by the TCF), either electronically or in a hard copy. We will post your fundraising page for you to share on your platforms.

Are you open to collaborations?

We welcome collaborations with those who share the same vision for outreach and service to the community. Please email us at  to schedule a time to meet to discuss this topic further.

Just like there’s always time for pain, there’s always time for healing.


― Jennifer Brown